How to market when creating a category: An interview with Andy Singer, CMO at OpenRaven.
Listen now (37 min) | Experienced marketers know that creating a new business category requires a very different approach to capturing demand in an existing category. Not only are budgets for your product yet to be created, there’s no search data to tap into for quick wins and your sales processes can be lengthy, unpredictable and expensive.
How to market when creating a category: An interview with Andy Singer, CMO at OpenRaven.
How to market when creating a category: An…
How to market when creating a category: An interview with Andy Singer, CMO at OpenRaven.
Listen now (37 min) | Experienced marketers know that creating a new business category requires a very different approach to capturing demand in an existing category. Not only are budgets for your product yet to be created, there’s no search data to tap into for quick wins and your sales processes can be lengthy, unpredictable and expensive.