How to use AI to improve your homepage messaging
Summarize what your customers say about your product
In a crowded market, your messaging needs to quickly communicate the problem you solve, who you solve it for, the impact you deliver and how you solve it. Your messaging needs to be customer-centric.
However, many startups lose their prospects’ attention by packing their messaging with jargon, hyperbole and generic outcomes. This type of seller-centric messaging just confuses the reader, turns them off and sends them to a competitor.
The key to effective messaging, like many aspects of marketing, lies in using the words of your customers to explain to your prospects how you are different and why they should buy from you.
If you’ve ever asked a friend to recommend you a product or service, you’ll know that they rarely answer with jargon, hyperbole or generic descriptors. Instead they respond with how the product or service has changed their day-to-day, often with specific context that brings the product to life for you. It’s exactly the same with your customers.
In the old days it was a heavy lift to gather and analyze your customers’ feedback as you’d have to comb through win reports, CRM notes and call transcripts to look for inspiration. In today’s world you can do it in a few minutes with AI.
To illustrate this let’s use software vendor Demandbase as an example of a company that needs to improve their messaging.